Gacha Box

We are currently on Series II of the Anito Legends Gacha Box Sale


As of September 22 2023, we have introduced Series II of the Anito Legends gacha collection with the arrival of the new class, Alan. There are a total of 1,000 gacha boxes up for grabs. The contents will contain 700 legendary classes, 200 epic, and 100 common. Out of the legendary boxes, four are 1/1 Ancients.

Series II can be bought for 333 $LARO, a portion of which will be used to buy back the rewards token.


As of January 31 2023, the gacha box store has shut down to give way to summoning and the Anito Marketplace that went live in February 2 2023.

There are three tiers of NFTs namely Common, Epic, and Legendary. The main difference among the three tiers is the rate of unlock of Charm Slots. Common Anitos take 30 days to unlock a slot, Epic Anitos take 20 days, while Legendary Anitos only take 10 days. Charms are special equipment that add new layers of gameplay, especially in PVP.

As of update 0.4.6, the team introduced a new class, the Duende which costs 5BUSD. This is meant as an entry level collectible for new players as well as an efficient item farming unit for Questing. Duende will have reduced base stats and cannot be used for summoning. They are limited to 999 units.

Duende has joined the battle!

Anito Legends v0.4.6 has introduced a new collectible class, the Duende! You can read more about this here. The Duende's Ancient 1/1 is Lakan Bakod.

Rumors around Lupa tell of sightings of four lost deities. Within the 'Mga Sina Una' set are four powerful one-of-a-kind Ancient Anitos with special animated body parts that are totally unique!

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